Bob Dylan has shared lyrics from previously unknown songs, written back in 1967. An array of talented musicians will interpret these songs on a forthcoming album titled Lost On The River: The New Basement Tapes. It features Marcus Mumford of Mumford & Sons, Elvis Costello and Jim James of My Morning Jacket as well as Rhiannon Giddens of Carolina Chocolate Drops and Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes on the T Bone Burnett produced record.
It also features unexpected guest appearance by Johnny Depp, who plays guitar on at least one track. The album will also be accompanied by a documentary called Lost Songs: The Basement Tapes Continued, directed by Sam Jones.
The Guardian have had a chance to listen to the album and had this to say: "Songs that stuck in the memory after a single listening included James’s Down on the Bottom, whose howling slow-motion rockabilly guitars and sepulchral echo cry out for the appearance of Roy Orbison; the sitting-on-a-barbed-wire-fence mood of Costello’s Married to My Hack; Giddens’s Spanish Mary and Duncan and Jimmy, with their banjo and fiddle and keening lead vocals; and Mumford’s sweet, ardent Kansas City."