News Added Mar 19, 2014 The Hoosiers announced that their third album would be released interdependently. It was also announced that the album would be founded by the fans, on The Hoosiers on website, in a project similar to a kickstarter. The groups reasoning for doing it like this: "What this does is allows us […]

The Hoosiers The News From Nowhere

Album download leak

SITE: getleaks
REPORTED BY: getmetal



The Hoosiers announced that their third album would be released interdependently. It was also announced that the album would be founded by the fans, on The Hoosiers on website, in a project similar to a kickstarter. The groups reasoning for doing it like this: "What this does is allows us to create an album that we totally control, and will sound like what we want it to sound like, AND we can release it on our own record label and control our musical destinies."

Fans can pre order different versions/packages of the album all varying in different prices and offering unique things (such as a name in the CD sleeve, featuring in a music video so on).

The first single release of the project was: "Somewhere In The Distance".

The second single is: "Make or Brake (You Gotta Know)" (the official video is the YouTube link)

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Track list:


1) Somewhere In the Distance, 2)Make Or Break (You Gotta Know), 3) My Last Fight, 4) Fidget Brian, 5) Handsome Girls and Pretty Boys, 6) The News From Nowhere, 7) Rocket Star, 8) To the Lions, 9) Upset, 10) Weirdo, 11) Impossible Boy, 12) Nathan's Loft (Bonus Track)

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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