News Added Jul 01, 2016 Vocalist/producer/DJ Gonjasufi comes back with a new album, "Callus" after his "A Sufi And A Killer" (2010), "The Caliph's Tea Party" (2010) and "MU.ZZ.LE" (2012). The producer anounced the album with a seventy-seconds preview video that contains the word CALLUS on capital letters and the following text accompained by a […]

Gonjasufi Callus

Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
REPORTED BY: Kingdom Leaks



Vocalist/producer/DJ Gonjasufi comes back with a new album, "Callus" after his "A Sufi And A Killer" (2010), "The Caliph's Tea Party" (2010) and "MU.ZZ.LE" (2012). The producer anounced the album with a seventy-seconds preview video that contains the word CALLUS on capital letters and the following text accompained by a bunch of distant and distorted sounds.

"Going into the space

I give so much of my heart

opening myself up to the world

as my soul becomes public domain

it's a beautiful thing

but with that also comes hatred

I've had to grow this callus

to protect my heart"

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Track list (Standard):


1. Your Maker (3:10)
2. Maniac Depressant (1:55)
3. Afrikan Spaceship (3:25)
4. Carolyn Shadows (2:46)
5. Ole Man Sufferah (2:43)
6. Greasemonkey (1:17)
7. The Kill (1:44)
8. Prints Of Sin (1:52)
9. Krishna Punk (1:59)
10. Elephant Man (1:27)
11. The Conspiracy (3:14)
12. Poltergeist (3:26)
13. Vinaigrette (2:16)
14. Devils (2:43)
15. Surfinfinity (4:03)
16. When I Die (2:30)
17. The Jinx (1:57)
18. Shakin Parasites (6:26)
19. Last Nightmare (3:04)

Submitted By

Maniac Depressant

Submitted By



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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