Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: humanfly



Sons of Balaur are a trve kvlt black metal band based in Oslo, Norway. Formed in March, 1992, the band was part of the original first wave of Norwegian black metal – a notorious inner circle of underground artists who took music to extremes it had never previously reached. Started in secret, for obvious reasons, the band features some of Norwegian black metal’s most dedicated and shadowy personalities: Tomas (vocals, guitar), Markus (bass), Kristoffer (guitar), and Lars (drums).

All members hail from the small town of Øksfjord in the very far north of Norway, inside the Arctic Circle, have known each other since their troubled childhood, and are followers of the dark arts. Their songs are as much invocations of the black forces of the underworld as they are music. Their recordings have been kept closely guarded within a tight-knit community of like-minded servants of the night, and remained unreleased in any official form until now. Their new album is an invocation of the dark vampiric overlord of chaos and death: Balaur.

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Track list:


01. Invocation
02. Prologue
03. Old Relics
04. Succubus Slut
05. The Curse Of Bloodlust
06. The Nameless Roams The Earth
07. Van Helsing Must Die
08. Balaur's Rise
09. Athena Bitch Betrayer
10. Nematari The Desert Queen

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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