News Added Jun 05, 2017 Starting out as a (quite heavy but atmospheric) progressive deathcore band (often referred to as "spacecore" because of their space-orientated lyrics), they have shifted towards a more "radio friendly" sound over the last few years. With their latest (2014) album "Language I: Intuition" gaining lots of positive perception, there's little […]

The Contortionist Clairvoyant

Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
REPORTED BY: Kingdom Leaks



Starting out as a (quite heavy but atmospheric) progressive deathcore band (often referred to as "spacecore" because of their space-orientated lyrics), they have shifted towards a more "radio friendly" sound over the last few years. With their latest (2014) album "Language I: Intuition" gaining lots of positive perception, there's little doubt they will change this direction for their upcoming full-length album "Clairvoyant", slated for September 15th.

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Track list (Standard):


1: Monochrome (Passive) 4:57
2: Godspeed 3:47
3: Reimagined 3:22
4: Clairvoyant 7:37
5: The Center 7:12
6: Absolve 5:20
7: Relapse 6:18
8: Return To Earth 6:16
9: Monochrome (Pensive) 9:23

Clairvoyant Studio Update #1

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Return To Earth

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The Contortionist - Clairvoyant Studio Update #2

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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  • canus
    @canus Level 3
    June 12, 2017 at 4:17 am

    Isn’t this just a repackaging of Muse? boy KROQ will eat this up…


  • James Barron
    @jtbarron7 Level 2
    August 12, 2017 at 6:32 pm

    I personally love the direction they are going with this album and think that it will be their best yet.


  • paranoid
    @noseeds Level 6
    August 16, 2017 at 1:24 pm

    wow, sounds good.


  • Jordan
    @thebatman Level 2
    August 24, 2017 at 10:38 am

    We need 1 more song before the album drops to keep us occupied in the meantime. They released 1 in June and 1 in July and I thought for sure they were going to release 1 this month. Still have a week left in August so it could still happen, but I’m dying to get this album!!


      • Jordan
        @thebatman Level 2
        September 1, 2017 at 5:28 am

        Yeah I saw it pretty quick & thought it was funny I had just posted about it the day before. Return To Earth is good but not great for me. It could be much better. As much as I miss the screams, I’m okay with them not being there cuz of Michael’s vocal ability, although I hope the rest of the album will have at least some screams. That being said, he’s not using his ability thus far, no where near his potential. Return To Earth in particular is so vocally monotone. I get that the mood of the song is kind of somber but damn. I really hope the rest of the album has some of his amazing soaring vocals like The Source from Language for example. Fingers crossed. Still pumped and confident that all that will be in there though.


    • Ryan Stevens
      Ryan Stevens
      August 25, 2017 at 2:04 pm

      A new one “Return to Earth” is going to drop today!


  • ben
    @bennyqueef Level 1
    September 6, 2017 at 6:46 pm

    I need this! Language on repeat isn’t cutting it anymore!


  • Fox McFly
    Fox McFly
    September 7, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    I can’t wait for this album… Language was perfect and I have not stopped listening to it and I believe that this album will be even greater and easily surpass Language (for me at least). Well only 8 days now till the release, I cant wait!!


  • Dr Falk
    @drfalk Level 5
    September 19, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    5.7/10 ? Maybe I’m a minority here, but I feel like the album is top notch. 9/10 for me.


    • Jordan
      @thebatman Level 2
      October 27, 2017 at 1:00 pm

      Yeah, I agree. I’d give it an 8.5 probably. So many people are just so immature and, well..dumb. They call themselves fans and then do things like downvote the hell out of an album cuz the “ARTISTS” didn’t do what they wanted. Which is to rehash Exoplanet again and again, or use screams, etc. They also say it’s not prog anymore or it’s mainstream, trying to be radio friendly. Bullshit. The Contortionist, as well as this album, is the very definition of prog; musically, technically, and stylistically. None of this would ever make it to radio, and I doubt The Contortionist would ever want their music to be. Sorry. People just annoy me. Either you’re a fan or not. Fair weather fans piss me off.


  • v0j4
    September 21, 2017 at 11:26 am

    they should have changed the name of the band after intrinsic :P


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