Album download leak

SITE: Exystence



The Soft Pack are a group of Southern Californian gentlemen looking to make a racket that lies somewhere in-between post-punk and post-Warren Zevon. How would you describe their music? Ask the guys themselves, and they might have simply said "rock 'n roll" at the time.

2010 was the group's last major statement, with the release of The Soft Pack (Kemado, produced by Eli Janney) full-length. Singles like "Answer to Yourself" and "C'mon" helped them gain wider attention. They spent much of that year on tour, playing with Kurt Vile & the Violaters, Male Bonding, Nodzzz, just to name a few. They appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman--followed by many enthusiastic phone calls to parents. A handful of trips overseas to Europe and Australia happened. Then they came had become a blur. It was time to slow down a bit. They started working out, going to bed earlier, eating their vegetables, and now here they stand...a little older, with a few more wrinkles on the brain.

Since that time, they have been locked away without much sunlight, toiling and writing, and doing their damnedest to focus on writing the best follow-up they can. Choosing to travel down the self-produced road this time around, they are determined more than ever to createexactly the sort of record that they would buy themselves. This is indeed good news. While tinges of the fuzzy, garage-y element remains, the overall sound has expanded to "practice the weird", as Lamkin once said. Their collection of guitar pedals has grown. They like to switch instruments. They like to buy drum machines and listen to disco. They really like Funkadelic and Sly Stone. Only some of them still like to work out though.

The new album, Strapped, is due in September, 2012 on Mexican Summer. Things have been quiet for the time being, but for The Soft Pack, this feels like a new beginning. They can hardly wait to make a racket; get quite busy again.

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Track list:


1. Saratoga
2. Second Look
3. They Say
4. Tallboy
5. Bobby Brown
6. Chinatown
7. Ray’s Mistake
8. Oxford Ave.
9. Everything I Know
10. Head on Ice
11. Bound to Fall
12. Captain Ace

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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