Album download leak

REPORTED BY: Fuzethescene



They announced that their third studio album would be titled Crazy World and released in Fall 2012. Well, now they have announced that they want their fans to have a preview of the album before they go on tour, and hence… They will be releasing an EP – Crazy World EP – on Jul. 17 2012!!! The EP will be available on iTunes, and it will include selected tracks from their Crazy World LP album, which will be released in Fall.

During their 30-minute show on Ustream, they performed four songs – “The First Time”, “Life of the Party”, “Be Your Everything” and their first single from their first album Boys Like Girls, “Hero/Heroine”. Fans were given the opportunity to choose between “Thunder”, “Two Is Better Than One” and “Hero/Heroine”, and “Hero/Heroine” ultimately emerged as the most popular song out of the three. They also officially introduced new bassist Morgan Dorr as part of their band, replacing Bryan Donahue who left in late 2011. The band now comprises of Martin Johnson, Paul DiGiovanni, John Keefe and Morgan Dorr.

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Track list:


No offical track list.

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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