"Numbers is the name of a new MellowHype album that's in the works." No official release date has been set but songs have been released such as "64", "65", and "67."
"Numbers is the name of a new MellowHype album that's in the works." No official release date has been set but songs have been released such as "64", "65", and "67."
I’ll update this entry as more information is released.
Ie: A concrete release date, album information, and an image as soon as a official album cover is released.
Release date: Summer 2012[24]
Formats: CD, Digital download
Possible co-release with Fat Possum Records
Update possible tracks FAKOUY and La Bonita
And Update Release Date October 2
I thought the whole point of the numbers album was that all of the tracks names are numbers. I guess the last two tracks they released aren’t part of the album?
Like to the artwork:
updated release date is October 9th.
Tracklist is:
1. Grill
2. 65/Breakfast
3. Astro
5. La Bonita
6. Beat
7. Snare
8. Untitled L
9. LeFlair
10. Monster
11. 666
12. P2
13. GNC
14. Brain
15. Under 2
16. Break
The snippets are out http://m.soundcloud.com/azzblaster/mellowhype-numbers-the
This should have leaked right now..
its on the german amazon for sale on the 5th its the 5th right now in germany
Validated, It does say Oct 5th but that may be the shipping date.
Confused… I get an e-mail telling me that the album leaked, but when I go to the site I see it listed as “Sealed”. A web search turned up only 3 songs, & no copies of the album. Gremlins, maybe?
It did leak. It’s on Atrilli
How do I join it-leaked?