![Muse : The 2nd Law News Added Jun 06, 2012 This is the sixth album from the UK group. Wolstenholme stated that the next Muse album would be ?something radically different? from their prior releases. It?s titled The 2nd law and is due out in October. And yes, the album trailer contained elements of dubstep, making some fans furious. New […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/tumblr_m86dyniiIE1ry007xo1_500.jpg)
This is the sixth album from the UK group. Wolstenholme stated that the next Muse album would be ?something radically different? from their prior releases. It?s titled The 2nd law and is due out in October. And yes, the album trailer contained elements of dubstep, making some fans furious.
New single, "Madness", is out. And it's not what you think it is. Discussion is below.
The album will be leaked tomorrow, because we will be able to listen to it on Belgian radio ;-)
Really? Which channel and when exactly? They’re broadcasting THE WHOLE album on a radio channel? Really?
Is it just 2 songs per day?
loic we have some link for the radio?to listen the album tommorow
So tomorrow evening (GMT+1) and looks like it’s the FULL album, so we’re lucky! Just about 30 hours guys, now it’s just being a bit patient. :D
thx edward…we have time tommorow to listen it?
The text says we have time from tomorrow evening until the 28th to listen to it entirely and completely free (so I think we’re able to skip etc. and to listen as often as we want). Sound awesome, right?
So excited *_*
It has leaked!
I’m downloading a torrent which is added just minutes ago and it looks real.
Ok nevermind, it shows all the mp3 files and stuff, but you need a password to open the song, so its definetly fake.
Due to my curiosity i’m trying to crack the password.
Don’t bother dude, it’s fake!
yep definitely a fake…
Any luck, Tobias?
How the bloody hell has this album not leaked, yet! I’m getting really pissed off, now.
The Resistance leaked the evening before, so stay calm and wait for tomorrow. ;)
It leaked a week in advance, man
Well not on any know site. ;) But maybe I and the whole German scene have been blind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS-qjQD3tMo&feature=g-all-u Listen To This While Waiting It’s A Very Good And Clean Live Version Of “Panic Station”. ;)
i found this one http://jcd4share.com/the-2nd-law/ but the link need a premium account to filemates.com !!
Cant anyone try this?
It looks fake at that file size.
My download was a fake one.
As well as the one from XjiMDim.
It has officialy not leaked yet. :(
The album get released THIS FRIDAY in BELGIUM and a few countries which is in FIVE Days TIME.
The Resistance Leaked TEN DAYS in advance…
The leak will happen today Monday or Tuesday at the very worst and that’s already extremely LATE…
It leaked the evening before it was available in Germany, Australia and several other countries, I’m pretty sure.
meaning “in advance”?
Goodnight guys… If I have to wake up tomorrow and it’s not leaked yet I’m gonna kill myself, so this may be my farewell.
Lucky you!
It’s leaked now guys, check Muselive
previews of all the songs
30-second previews. Apparently Australian users can already listen the whole album.
IT LEAKED. I don’t want to register here so I can’t report it, but an Australian website allows us to listen to previews of the songs, and Australian people can hear them in integrality. Rips are surfacing ! The waiting is over !!!
I found it!!!!!!! I was looking on twitter on my ipod and it brought me to a site called JB Now that gives 30 second previews, but I can’t find it on the PC. Good luck! It’s Incredible!!!
Not whole songs, but still!!!
just so everyone knows….album is leaked. for realz #leakquidstate
Its officially leaked go and find it, its all over twitter and tumblr right now
It leaked, look on the muselive site forum 2nd law lp6 leak thread for details.
It leaked.
exclusive legal stream available in australia only
i’m sure a webrip will be up at some point, but at the moment i’m just happy to be australian!