Album download leak

SITE: Exystence



The new Deer Tick record is going to be called "Negativity," because "It's a very dark record. There's nothing silly about it," singer John McCauley told Rolling Stone.

They've been recording the record at Audible Alchemy on N. Mississippi Ave., working with Steve Berlin, who, aside from his gig in Los Lobos, plays with McCauley in Diamond Rugs.

McCauley told Rolling Stone they brought 30ish songs into the studio and Berlin narrowed those down, which is what he did for Crystal Bowersox when he produced her recently-released record.

"I want to hear everything you've got," Berlin said, talking about Bowersox's record. "A lot of times it'll be the 79th song that will be magical."

Given that the band's last record, "Divine Providence," could be accused of being unfocused, Berlin's focus is probably a good omen for the record, which Rolling Stone says should be out late-summer or early-fall.

This is "Main Street," from the aforementioned "Divine Providence."

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Track list:


1. The Rock
2. The Curtain
3. Just Friends
4. The Dream's In The Ditch
5. Mirror Walls
6. Mr. Sticks
7. Trash
8. Thyme
9. In Our Time (feat. Vanessa Carlton)
10. Hey Doll
11. Pot Of Gold
12. Big House

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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