Justice is a french duo consisting of Xavier De Rosnay and Gaspard Augé. The duo
has released two unique studio albums, both of which are innovative to its genre. Justice had their breakthrough with the single D.A.N.C.E, which is featured on their first album "Cross" from 2007. In 2008, the duo released a live album called "A Cross The Universe", a documentary on the tour was released alongside the album. The duo took a short break, and finally in 2011 they released the follow up to the smash-hit "Cross" album. The second album called "Audio, Video, Disco" feature a more "daylight" style, rather than their iconic night disco style.
2013 has come, and the duo is about to release their second live album, called "Access All Arenas".
You can stream the full album here http://www.konbini.com/fr/music/live-album-access-all-arenas-de-justice-en-ecoute-integrale/
Fuck Konbini. Best: http://www.justiceaaa.com/
The album is NOT on Exystence
It is not on Exystence.
YES IT HAS LEAKED NOW in good quality.
There is a WebRip on TPB. Seeded.
It’s leaked in 320 at runderground