Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: humanfly



In the seventh year of its existence BROKEN KEY turn out a certain independence, it further emphasizes its groovy Metal as a relic of the 1990s consistently convincing, even if it is neither original nor compositionally startling.

The Halle alternate between driving hammers like the opener "Brick" or "Never Say No" and almost rock Arschwacklern as "Face In The Dust". Their Achilles heel is clearly singer Rene who is not really flexible bawls, but is at least understandable and no stupid texts writes. In its best moments BROKEN KEY rolls almost BOLT THROWER-standard ( "Sick Soldiers"), and one must explicitly consider praise.

CONCLUSION: Stump is trump, but not only - BROKEN KEY distinguished their high hopping factor defiance by lovingly detailed songwriting within the given framework and thus represented a year rarely occupied space somewhere between contemporary metalcore and crossover stuff that 20 years after his mass appeal amazingly abrasion appears.

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Track list:


01. Brick
02. Black Hole
03. All the Fucking Sluts
04. Runaway
05. Face in the Dust
06. Sick Soldiers
07. Skull behind your Face
08. Enemy
09. Members of Oldschool
10. Never Say No

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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