Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: humanfly



Since 2012, Chase The Day from London have striven to create music that makes a long lasting impression, and this has culminated in the production of their much anticipated debut album – Tabula Rasa – and behind the bold, compelling cover artwork courtesy of Nevan Doyle, there is a gem waiting to be discovered.

The guys deliver a burst of fire from the outset with the exhilarating Pariah, then flowing seamlessly into the similarly intense eponymous Chase The Day whilst maintaining that initial rush of adrenaline with a beat worth banging your head to.

A Little Peace is a decisive highlight for us, being packed to the brim with fervent vocals, banging riffs and quite the ample chorus.

But not all of this record is a mere assemblage of boisterous rock tunes, as they present a selection of slower numbers that, more often that not, showcase some of the band’s finest writing work including Damage Done, Just The Same and Seed; the latter being an unforgettable 5 minute piece with a swaying melody and a substantial display of passion.

Of course, in between those they still continue to throw out plentiful of dynamic, fast-paced tracks such as Forget Your Name, Spider Jerusalem and the perfectly climatic Dig.

Tabula Rasa should be used as a precedent on how to do a rock album right. Every song has their own individual qualities on offer, there is a steady momentum present which is never broken, and most of all, there is a good enough variety in the sound to keep the listener engaged, not to mention it is sure to leave them with that crave for more and ultimately a desire to return time and time again.

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Track list:


01. Pariah
02. Chase the Day
03. A Little Peace
04. Forget Your Name
05. Damage Done
06. Rats in My Cellar
07. Seed
08. Just the Same
09. Across the Water
10. Honey Pot
11. Spider Jerusalem
12. Dig

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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