Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: humanfly



When Nathan was ten years old, his parents purchased a computer with composing software on it. Less than a year later, Nathan was picking up his Dad's acoustic guitar, recording, sampling electronic music, and building his own sonic realms.

His overactive imagination was a double-edged sword: from a young age, drugs and alcohol were abundant in Nathan's life. At only fifteen years old he found himself unable to continue living as he was.

Upon entering an adolescent treatment program his dreams gigging and releasing his contrasting creations seemed more distant than ever. Maintaining his sobriety, he went years without releasing anything substantial, only writing minimally in his free time.

In the straits of a troublesome breakup in late 2014, Nathan began furiously writing again, channeling his distraught emotion into a series of abrasive rock compositions. Although never officially released, this process spawned the song "Animals" featuring the lyrics "...letting out your animals", and thus Loya was born.

Since then he's continued to render his love of singing, electronic sampling and dynamic guitars into his debut EP, "Holly" (, released January 6th of 2016. Despite not being able to promote his creations from performances with a band, Nathan has built his entire audience through digital platforms. He plans to have his first full length release in 2016.

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Track list:


01. Aster
02. Crimson
03. Vitaly
04. Void
05. Chrysanthemum
06. Glitch Killer
07. Decayer
08. Artifice
09. Artifact
10. Blood Lust
11. Angel Paint
12. Lotus

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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