News Added Aug 11, 2016 The official release date of "3epo" is now confirmed by Ranka Kustannus - September 16th. As you may have noticed from some online posts and rumors, the fourth KYPCK-album is ready and coming out this September (2016). It’s been two years since ”Imena na stene” and most of that time […]

KYPCK 3epo

Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



The official release date of "3epo" is now confirmed by Ranka Kustannus - September 16th.

As you may have noticed from some online posts and rumors, the fourth KYPCK-album is ready and coming out this September (2016). It’s been two years since ”Imena na stene” and most of that time was spent in our respective man-caves writing and recording this new stuff for you. And it’s been a fucking trip once again…

We think we’ve once more updated our sonic equivalent of an awesome, yet unpredictable — and ugly, yet effective 14,000 ton Russian submarine. It’s cold and unyielding steel structure is yet again counterbalanced by the flesh & blood of the (probably drunken) sailors inside, yearning for fresh air that never comes. In any case, there’s nothing else like it.

As far as the technical & production side went, we’ve pretty much used the exact same methods, which proved so effective on the last album: Hiili doing the mixing, recording drums & guitars, Jussi (Kulomaa) producing the vocals with E. Seppänen in their hometown of Tampere, the lyrics were again written in a frosty haze in the old capital of Estonia… But the ”routine” really meant that we we’re able to let loose on other areas, letting the music & lyrics ooze out into the world in exactly the way they wanted.

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Track list:


01. Я свободен (I Am Free)
02. 2017
03. Мне отмщение (Vengeance Is Mine)
04. Прогулка по Неве (Stroll by the Banks of Neva)
05. На небе вижу я лицо (I See a Face in the Sky)
06. Моя жизнь (My Life)
07. Последний тур (The Last Tour)
08. Русофоб (Russophobe)
09. Байкал (Baikal)
10. Белая смерть (White Death)

Submitted By

Ya svoboden (sample)

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2017 (sample)

Submitted By

Mne otmshchenie (sample)

Submitted By

Progulka po Neve (sample)

Submitted By



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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