Album download leak




Japanese doom/death metal eradicators Coffins have once again entered their local Noise Room Studio, and are currently laying down vocals for their anticipated new album, The Fleshland. This shall be their first official release for Relapse Records, and the band will wrap-up their studio work by the end of January. The album is set for release later this year.

For now, Coffins enthusiasts can get a bit of insight into the new album with a pre-production demo track of "Colossal Hole", which will reappear on The Fleshland in its finished state, via Cvlt Nation right here.

Although Coffins have been releasing a plethora of splits, EP's, singles and a recent track as part of Decibel Magazine's Flexi Series, the band's upcoming fourth album The Fleshland will be the first new full-length from the outfit since their acclaimed Buried Death album, released via 20 Buck Spin in 2008.

More info on the new album as well as 2013 live actions for Coffins to be released in the coming weeks.

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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