Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
SITE: Mega
REPORTED BY: Guillaume
SITE: Reddit



Muse has announced their new album to be titled Drones through their Instagram account. In a 10 second video a blue and black screen appear with the text Artist: Muse. Album: Drones. It should be noted that a spokesperson for Muse declined the opportunity to confirm the album title according to the NME.

Matt Bellamy have previously stated that the album will be more rock oriented: "I have this strong feeling that the next album should be something that really does strip away the additional things that we've experimented with on the last two albums, which is electronics, symphonics and orchestral work and all that kind of stuff."

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Album artwork and release date announced!


Just a few minutes ago, Muse posted the artwork and release date to Facebook! "Drones" is set to release on June 8th!

Track list:


1. Dead Inside
2. [Drill Sergeant]
3. Psycho
4. Mercy
5. Reapers
6. The Handler
7. [JFK]
8. Defector
9. Revolt
10. Aftermath
11. The Globalist
12. Drones


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Dead Inside

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'The Globalist' and 'Defectors' making of has leaked !


A video on vimeo has appeared and it seems to be the 'making of' of two tracks of the album, 'The Globalist' (supposed to be the sequel of 'Citizen Erased') and 'Defectors':

MUSE - Dead Inside

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New single "Mercy" leaks


"Mercy," which premieres on BBC Radio 1 tomorrow, leaked this morning on various muse facebook groups and the .mu message board.


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Album Reviewed


NME has given the album 7 out of 10. They reference the album as "the most focused Muse album since 2006’s ‘Black Holes And Revelations’, but the weirdness (obviously) lingers."

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'Reapers lyric video'


Today Reapers Lyric video appeared as part of a game of Muse's website ''

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The Handler


Another new song from the album, entitled 'The Handler', has been confirmed for release today after reports from fans using spotify.

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The Handler Released


The Handler was indeed premiered on June 1st in a surprise reveal on BBC Radio 1.

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The Handler. Available on Spotify and Deezer


The Handler is available both on music stream services Spotify and Deezer.

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Muse - The Handler [Official Lyric Video]

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Muse - JFK + Defector [Official Lyric Video]

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

Leave a reply » 1 2

  • @mojib Level S
    January 26, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    The album cover currently being used isn’t official.


  • @peanuts Level 5
    January 27, 2015 at 12:07 am

    I’m both thrilled and worried at the same time about this record: Matt insisted on the more personal approach he would have on this new album, stating that it would be more guitar-driven and less bombastic than The Resistance and The 2nd Law were. The thing is, Drones would actually have been the perfect title for The 2nd Law with which, to me, the band was apparently trying to reach a new robotic audience with tracks like “Madness” or the two-part “The 2nd Law”.

    This and, of course, the fact that the band was recording with an orchestra a few months ago are the reason why I’m quite worried: orchestral arrangements can either give the album a soft and personal tone… or a totally megalomaniac and over the top feel, like on “Exogenesis” for example. Wait & see.


    • @audiobinge Level 6
      January 27, 2015 at 11:45 pm

      Totally right album title wise. I loved the orchestral bits, was a nice balance to the electronic. “2nd Law” grew on me a bit but “The Resistance” was a better album overall for me. Still it was all MUSE, if that makes sense.

      Maybe they read Matt’s review for “2nd Law” and decided to strip it down rather than get their asses ripped again by the HIL community. ha.


      • @komodoro Level 1
        January 29, 2015 at 2:41 pm

        Totally agree on what you’ve said.

        But I do hope it gets Stockholm syndrome heavy. :)


        • @pinata89 Level 3
          May 11, 2015 at 3:28 pm

          This is the only way I will listen to it….I haven’t really cared for a Muse album since “Black Holes and Revelations.”

          Hopefully this album delivers and they abandon the pop craze that the later albums turned into.


      • @hullavaloo Level 4
        March 29, 2015 at 9:53 am

        In a recent interview Matt Bellamy said that he loves The 2nd Law but they realised that they went too far …pfiouu was about time for them to get back to reality!


  • February 3, 2015 at 10:27 am

    So excited for this album I’ve been hoping for new music.


  • @arthurms Level 5
    March 13, 2015 at 5:48 am

    Not a huge Muse fan, but I appreciate some of their music. Count me in!


  • @peanuts Level 5
    March 13, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Man, that first single was so lame. I expected so much more from Mutt Lange, hope the album’s better than this poor Marilyn Manson’s rip-off.


  • @hullavaloo Level 4
    March 14, 2015 at 7:28 am

    The second single “Dead Inside” will be determining. Psycho is great but it’s just a natural sequel to Uprising and Supremacy. I’m not blown away yet so…fingers crossed for the rest.


  • @mpiwosal Level 4
    March 16, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    not blown away by psycho as well, but it’s definitely a good direction. still a cool song to play on guitar :D


  • @vaargseth Level 1
    March 18, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    What made Muse a different band was that they were… well… different. But Psycho sounds like a regular rock tune with a banger riff that every kid could play on the guitar without even looking for tab. I hope the rest of the album isn’t as dull as the first single.


  • @trickian Level 1
    March 19, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    Let’s just leave this one here…


  • @donnydave Level 0
    April 11, 2015 at 12:44 pm

    Has anyone got a working link or a rip? I missed out! :sob:


  • @redpeg Level 2
    April 12, 2015 at 2:40 am

    We have a Dead Inside/Psycho double single on its way, scheduled to hit the shelves on May 12th.


  • @kiqflp Level 0
    April 19, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    I don’t know if someone saw this before, but something weird happened…
    When the “Psycho” lyric video was uploaded to YouTube, I add it to my Facebook in the same day. So, a list of video suggestions came below the lyric video. One of them was a Vevo’s video called “Muse – Drones”, and contained a instrumental song, with 3:06 lenght. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later, when I reloaded the page, the message that the video were deleted appeared. So, anyone saw this before? I remember that contained a guitar riff in loop, seemed like a full song structure, but without lyrics… I don’t know if is a old song that I don’t remember, if is a demo or even the real full song that will be in the album…
    I don’t know if there is the best place to ask something like this [and is hard to say something based in a vague description, but who knows lol].


  • @mrnillo Level 2
    April 21, 2015 at 8:30 am

    I really, really can’t wait.

    Think is gonna be a brilliant album, based on the instagram clips and the leaked making of thinks is gonna be a ‘back to basic’ and gonna be great album.

    Can’t wait.


  • @hullavaloo Level 4
    April 23, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Since the 2nd Law did not really leak (it was streaming online 2 days before release or something?) we can wait another month…I was excited but since there 4 weeks to wait before listening to it (and considering we haven’t heard anything new), my level of excitation is low again. I hope to be blown away but there are still those Queen influences on that making of and I was hoping they would stop with them.

    So fingers crossed the final result will be good.


  • @caelixia Level 1
    May 5, 2015 at 12:49 am

    So excited for this new album! I really love dead inside and psycho!


  • @eugenesims Level 2
    May 14, 2015 at 9:03 pm

    muse is too good, but I love the electronic era


  • @mrnillo Level 2
    May 28, 2015 at 8:23 am

    8 days to official release in some countries! Can’t wait!

    (Australia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland)

    source: wikipeida


    • May 28, 2015 at 2:14 pm

      Apparently … So we might have it 2 working days earlier ! I hope so ! :)


      • @mrnillo Level 2
        May 28, 2015 at 3:11 pm

        Maybe they should change the release date, I don’t think I have the range to do such thing.


        • @hullavaloo Level 4
          May 29, 2015 at 7:18 am

          The official release date in the UK is June the 8th so it should stay as it is…and yes, in my country the cd is released next friday (the 5th) so we might get a leak on next tuesday/wednesday thanks to a streaming or something…I also pre ordered the deluxe edition of the album, curious to see whether it will come on friday or on monday…


          • @mrnillo Level 2
            May 29, 2015 at 8:04 am

            I had no idea the official date is in the UK.


            We’ll next week, but I don’t expect anything like last album, I don’t know.

  • @mrnillo Level 2
    May 29, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    Shortly after site started with a game some users discovered the Reapers Lyric Video and ended leaking the video.


  • May 29, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Studio version of Reapers is definitely out there right now :) Probably not long until the album hopefully


  • @hullavaloo Level 4
    May 30, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Reapers is a really nice surprise compared to Dead Inside and Mercy…it sounds like the old Muse, especially a mix of In Your World and Dead Star. This album will probably be better than the 2nd Law


  • @mrnillo Level 2
    June 2, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Both Handler and Reapers are great tunes, love them.

    Can’t wait for the rest of the album.

    Leak soon please!!


  • @plopplop Level S
    June 2, 2015 at 2:55 pm

    The Handler is the best song yet – the hit, I think… Album. Want. Soon?


  • @hullavaloo Level 4
    June 2, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    Someone on reddit has received the album earlier than planned…he has the album but he’s too afraid to leak it, damn!


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