

The band was formed in the summer of 2015 during the Gombaszögi Summer Camp. The initial lineup, consisting of Farkas, Mézes, Németh, and Bob, earned the title of "the longest-named band in Slovakia." They played acoustic indie folk style music, setting poems to music and performing their own songs for about a year and a half, before taking a longer break. After a name change, Gorlo Volka started their journey in the autumn of 2018. They initially debuted as a duo and from spring 2019 onwards, they have been operating as a full band with the following lineup:

Farkas Meli - vocals, acoustic guitar

Mézes Zoltán - vocals, electric guitar

Szabó Gábor - bass guitar

Gőgh Ákos (oggy) - drums

Koch Olivér - piano, keyboards

They rearranged and reimagined their songs, which have now taken on their final forms.

In September 2022, a new chapter began in the band's life as they won the 8th Slovakian Hungarian Music Showcase with their brand-new music, earning them a spot in the Budapest finals of "Joy in Music" in Hungary.

Their style can be described as a blend of indie pop and rock.

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  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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