Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



Windy city deathcore titans Oceano awaken with their brand new studio album, ‘Ascendants’. Oceano’s evolution continues on their 4th full length venture. The band’s trademark vicious hybrid of bone-splintering brutality ascends into a new realm and reach previously undiscovered depths. Their signature sound is revitalized through guitarists Scott Smith and Michael Kasper (Carnivale/Dead To Fall) and bassist Chris Wagner (Monsters). Vocalist Adam Warren’s visceral screams and guttural onslaught are further refined and expanded with near inhuman tone. Taking steps into previously unexplored territory, 'Ascendants' is a concept album transcending the norms of most modern metal acts. Within stand out tracks “Dead planet", "Transient gateways” and “Dawn of Descent”, eerie atmospherics come to the fore. ‘Ascendants’ is Oceano’s most focused effort to date, giving the album a greater intensity and deeper sense of purpose. Rediscovering their niche, 'Ascendants' is the definitive Oceano experience. Oceano has truely experienced an awakening and with it they hold the key album to re-define their genre.

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Track list:


1. Nephilim
2. Transient Gateways
3. The World Engine
4. Dead Planet
5. The Taken
6. Dawn of Descent
7. The Dulce Incident
8. Arc of Creation
9. External Existence

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Dawn of Descent

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Transient Gateways

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Ascendants Preview

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An official album stream has been reported at
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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: Yes, see stream link above.
  • Album pre-order:

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