News Added Mar 02, 2017 Canadian post-hardcore/pop punk band Air Combat are set to self-release their third EP, titled The Story of the Boy With the Stolen Name on March 13th. It was first announced on 3 weeks before its release. Pre-orders can be made through their Bandcamp and iTunes. Submitted By Kingdom Leaks Source […]

Air Combat The Story of the Boy With the Stolen Name

Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
REPORTED BY: Kingdom Leaks



Canadian post-hardcore/pop punk band Air Combat are set to self-release their third EP, titled The Story of the Boy With the Stolen Name on March 13th. It was first announced on 3 weeks before its release. Pre-orders can be made through their Bandcamp and iTunes.

Track list:


1. Trigger Warning (Falling On Deaf Ears)
2. Lazy Talker
3. My Third Death This Year
4. Interlude
5. Distances / Smokes
6. The Boy With The Stolen Name


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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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