News Added Feb 21, 2017 This digital reissue on AVALANCHE RECS. includes a bonus remix of Track 01 'BAYLEY TOWER' and a new mix of the same track. There is also a new mix of 'SQUALENE'. Most other tracks are remastered. Apart from 'BAYLEY TOWER (Remix)' this release explores a slightly different aesthetic to the […]

JK Flesh Suicide Estate Antibiotic Armageddon

Album download leak

SITE: getleaks net
REPORTED BY: getmetal



This digital reissue on AVALANCHE RECS. includes a bonus remix of Track 01 'BAYLEY TOWER' and a new mix of the same track. There is also a new mix of 'SQUALENE'. Most other tracks are remastered.

Apart from 'BAYLEY TOWER (Remix)' this release explores a slightly different aesthetic to the current JK FLESH sound; a cleaner, minimal and introspective mood.

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Track list:


1. Bayley Tower (Remix) (05:53)
2. Bayley Tower (New Mix) (06:16)
3. Tamiflu (06:41)
4. Stoneycroft Tower (06:56)
5. Holbrook Tower (06:10)
6. Squalene (New Mix) (06:15)
7. Ethylene Glycol (06:02)
8. Bromford Bridge Estate (06:06)
9. Thimerosal (07:03)

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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