Simón Becerra replied to the topic Tenemos un Papá Pirata? in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years, 5 months ago
@taliahhh Hi! It’s easy to download the links. You just have to get pass the two shorteners (adfly and shortet) and you’ll get the link. If you stumble upon a broken link you just notify it in the comment section. Usually when it’s an “old” leak you’ll find it taken down. :)
Taliah and Simón Becerra are now friends 10 years, 5 months ago
travis and Simón Becerra are now friends 10 years, 5 months ago
Luke and Simón Becerra are now friends 10 years, 5 months ago
Simón Becerra replied to the topic Tenemos un Papá Pirata? in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years, 5 months ago
It is a closed group but you just have to request access to get in. They don’t discrimate anybody. They have a twitter account you can search where they post the link to the group so you can request access.
The leaks are pretty regular but, as it usually happens with leaks links, some get broken; The good side is that the admin normally fixes…[Read more]
Jennimandy and Simón Becerra are now friends 10 years, 11 months ago
Simón Becerra replied to the topic User reporting mass false album leaks in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years, 12 months ago
Hey there Ammar,
You’re right mrmdsrflyng is reporting leaks in the “Tenemos un papá pirata” Facebook group. I can assure you the group does indeed exist and has over 1700+ members, myself included, it’s a >private< group so you have to request an entry to see the actual content. It’s a relative new group with currently just 471 leaks but I can…[Read more]
Simón Becerra commented on the post, Pharrell Williams : G I R L 11 years ago
Works great! Thanks!
Simón Becerra became a registered member 11 years ago