![HellYeah : Blood For Blood News Added Feb 13, 2014 HELLYEAH's fourth studio album, "Blood For Blood", will be released on June 10 via Eleven Seven Music. The CD was helmed by producer Kevin Churko at his The Hideout Recording Studio in Las Vegas, Nevada. Churko is the Canadian musician, sound engineer, songwriter and record producer who has previously worked […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/74490_hellyeah_blood_for_blood.jpg)
HELLYEAH's fourth studio album, "Blood For Blood", will be released on June 10 via Eleven Seven Music. The CD was helmed by producer Kevin Churko at his The Hideout Recording Studio in Las Vegas, Nevada. Churko is the Canadian musician, sound engineer, songwriter and record producer who has previously worked with OZZY OSBOURNE, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and IN THIS MOMENT, among other acts.
“Cross to beer” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRBc8YqePrg#t=68
“Sangre Por Sangre (Blood for Blood)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To6bqqB5m4I
Actually it’s pretty bad.
album cover https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/10157397_10152316880337378_968400807_n.jpg
“Sangre Por Sangre (Blood for Blood)” official video http://vimeo.com/91972263#at=0
Looking forward to hearing the rest of this album…
Wasn’t a big fan of BOB, but this sounds like a ballsier version of that!
Still waiting for them to get back to the feel they had with their debut album. Doubtful it’ll ever happen though.
Same here. Their debut kicked asses.
Cant wait should be leaked soon
Demons in the dirt released online audio stream on youtube
Demons in the Dirt sounds pretty decent, but I wanna hear more variety in the rest of the album.
demons in the Dirt sound realy amazing! Can’t wait to hear it complete!
Man that album cover was already done by Killswitch and BFMV. Great job guys….
Saw these guys open for Avenged Sevenfold. AWESOME show!
Anybody hear this yet?! Want to know how it is.
So far so good. But yes…..it IS leaked.
Amazing album
The hellyeah everyone has been waiting for!