Album download leak

SITE: getleaks
REPORTED BY: getmetal



Katie Crutchfield has thus far release two incredible Alt-Folk albums under the moniker Waxahatchee (named after the creek situated near where she recorded her albums). Her debut album was considerably more lo-fi that its successor yet still managed to feel accomplished and varied, from the enthralling opening track 'Catfish' to the catchy 'Be Good', one of the lighter tracks in her discography.

It's predecessor American Weekend, despite the clearer production, was equally hard-hitting and no less devastating. Crutchfield's lyrics never fail to stagger, mostly due to the fact that as a teenager myself, I relate to a lot of the themes she explores. From the bitter 'Dixie Cups and Jars' to the haunting 'Swan Dive', it was no surprise that Cerulean Salt was my favourite album of 2013.

Now two years on from her breakthrough, Crutchfield has announced Ivy Tripp which she herself describes as a "gas" where as Cerulean Salt was more of a "Solid". Incidentally, the perfectly title lead single 'Air' fits that description well, in spite of the crunchy guitars and thumping drum beats, which are pretty standard from her; Air feels a bit more euphoric. Whether it's the detached synth-flourishes on the chorus or the remorseful lyrics, there is something otherworldly about this track.

Track list:


1. Breathless Under a Rock Poison
2. La Loose
3. Stale by Noon
4. the Dirt
5. Blue
6. Air
7. < 8. Grey Hair 9. Summer of Love 10. Half Moon 11. Bonfire




An official album stream has been reported at
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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: Yes, see stream link above.
  • Album pre-order:

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