Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



“Ethereality is our debut record and it has been years in the making. Even before the release of our EP Carry The Sound in 2013, we were writing towards this album. It has 12 brand new tracks including our singles ‘Outlines’ and ‘Levels’ and many of the songs we have been performing live for a couple of years now.

We use many themes throughout the album including themes of progression, anxiety and social awareness. The title track was written about composing music and how musicians find their own metaphorical space for doing so, turning any positive or negative energies into productivity. It instantly stuck in our heads as the album title and what made this even more prominent in our minds was the artwork that was hand painted by our friend Dirk Robertson of the Heavy Metal Buffet in Shetland. His image and creativity brought our concept to life.

We had originally aimed to release the album in August of last year, however it was delayed for numerous reasons. During the recording process, our drummer position became vacant, we had to re-track many parts, and with our guitarist (Martin) in his final year of University, certain priorities had to be made.

We are so pleased to finally have the album released on 27.6.16. We have invested so much time in making something that we are very proud of. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.”

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Track list:


1. Levels
2. Compose Yourself
3. Outlines
4. Mind over Matter
5. Wall
6. Transocean
7. Levity
8. Ethereality
9. Absolve
10. Aperture
11. Upon Reflection
12. A Thought Undersold

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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