Album download leak

SITE: Scene release



As Emika gets set to record her first symphony with the Prague Metropolitan Orchestra, the shape-shifting producer/singer has unveiled a separate EP that pushes her experimental pop music even further. Due out March 4th, the self-released Flashbacks switches gears with every song, from its ominous title track to the synth-laced soprano work of “Total” and the ravaged, Kid A-like circuitry of “Restless Wings.” Frank Vigroux also recorded a noisy remix that wouldn’t sound out of place on an old Nine Inch Nails album. It’s truly gnarly.

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Track list:


1. Flashbacks (Radio Edit)
2. Restless Wings
3. Total (feat. Michaela Srumova)
4. Flashbacks (Franck Vigroux Remix)
5. Flashbacks (feat. Michaela Srumova) [Bonus Mix]

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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