Album download leak

SITE: I Can Leaking
REPORTED BY: I Can Leaking



No one makes music like Moon Hooch, a muscular trio whose setup typically consists of two saxophones and a drummer. That instrumentation, and the fact that drummer James Muschler and saxophonists Mike Wilbur and Wenzl McGowen met while attending The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York, would make you think this is simply a jazz trio. But Moon Hooch is like no other jazz trio you've heard.

Red Sky is out June 10.

Track list:


01. Red Sky (3:26)
02. That's What They Say (3:52)
03. Sunken Ship (4:03)
04. Low 5 (4:02)
05. Psychotubes (3:01)
06. On the Sun (4:06)
07. Booty House (2:54)
08. Shot (3:58)
09. Something Else (3:55)
10. Rough Sex (4:14)
11. The Thought (3:04)
12. Alien Invasion (3:19)
13. Broken Tooth (3:51)



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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