Album download leak

SITE: New Album Releases



Great hard rock album coming from Art of Dying. Originally scheduled for a July 12 release date; then they posted on twitter "Pledge Music went bankrupt and stole millions of dollars from artists. We r figuring out how to get the digital download out to pledgers here soon. Been a cluster. Thx for ur patience -Tavis".

Not sure what the new date is yet. All the song samples were/are on Amazon for preview. Sounds great! Hope it releases soon!

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Track list:


1. Armageddon 3:06
2. Cut It All Away 3:53
3. Do Or Die 3:05
4. Dark Days 3:26
5. Rear View Mirror 3:24
6. Never Easy 3:10
7. Shatterproof 3:10
8. Unoriginal 3:18
9. I Believe 4:21
10. No One Ever Wins 3:42

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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