"  This competition is now over – What should we do next? Help us out in the comments!   We’re almost a month into 2017 and already we’ve been hit by a number of album announcements. But while most of us aware that artists such as Gorillaz, Lana Del Rey, Depeche Mode and Beck are releasing albums […]"



This competition is now over – What should we do next? Help us out in the comments!


We’re almost a month into 2017 and already we’ve been hit by a number of album announcements. But while most of us aware that artists such as Gorillaz, Lana Del Rey, Depeche Mode and Beck are releasing albums this year – I want highlight hidden gems. Albums and artists which might have gotten unnoticed so far. There’s even a comprehensive list of albums on our forum to help you out.

Name an album, due for release this year, which you think should get noticed – And why! And why not include a link to a Has it Leaked album entry, if there’s one – Or include a Youtube link or Soundcloud embed! The entry with the most interesting, fun or just passionate argument will win an invite to Apollo – An exclusive private MP3 torrent site founded when What.CD went offline. The place is one of the fastest growing music libraries on the internet. It’s an invite-only site with over 400,000 entries.


Rules: You need to be signed in with a Has it Leaked account. Register one here if you don’t got one. Add your entry in the comment section below. One entry per member. Name the artist, mention the album title (if it has been announced) and why you think it should get recognized. Winner will be chosen on February 6th. An Apollo invite will be sent to the winner’s Has it Leaked account.

Notes: We are in no way affiliated with the site “Apollo”. The site includes downloads of copyrighted material, something we do not support. We recommend you to use the site to download legal music only. Use the site at your discretion.


Winner chosen!

Congratulations to Nathan who won for his in-depth submission, naming The Tear Garden, as his choice for most anticipated album of the year. He won, not because it was lengthy, but because of his passion for the upcoming release. It’s also an under the radar album, while still being influential for a lot of artists.

Thanks to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for more competition!


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  • Andrés
    January 22, 2017 at 7:32 pm

    Blackfield V from Blackfield

    I think this album is gonna have a lot of recognition this year.
    First reason: the last release from this band was four years ago (2013), so it has passed some time since their last release. People following the Aviv Geffen and Steven Wilson duo are anxious to hear new material!
    Second reason: This is the first release in a while in which both Aviv and Wilson are involved musically. In the last two releases of Blackfield only Aviv Geffen was musically involved. Steven Wilson was doing his solo stuff so I suppose he couldn’t got involved in them. So, this is a veery good reason to be waiting eagerly this album.

    I think this reasons I exposed are solid reason to say that Blackfield V is gonna be a release is going to get a lot of attention!

    Here is the Has it leaked link of the album:


  • ConnorK969
    January 22, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    Joyner Lucas: Currently Untitled but I’ve been hearing rumors of it called “Tap Dance” (at least a song will be called that)

    Reason: Joyner Lucas is the newest Atlantic Records signee who has been at it for awhile, yet last year released several tracks that have not only been amazing and catchy, but so relatable and gritty that the end results usually captivate any audience stumbling onto his music. Songs such as “Happy Birthday” where he screams to his child for being born and reminding him of his former love capativate the listener and bring undeniable pain that can be related to anyone who has gone through this, or can be perceived as a warning to those who do decide to keep a child. Other songs such as “I’m Sorry” can do the same feeling of pain as he describes his loss of his friend through suicide where the lyrics with the production alone can just haunt your soul and make you want to re listen as it gets so real with every word spit with the flow. His album is one that many people do not know which is such a shame because he is one of the best talents in rap. As we see some new rappers become prima dana’s by not even showing up to their own music video shoot, this man creates such an emotional and raw feeling that will make anyone want to pick up his newest album when it is released.

    If you never have listened, please check him out.



  • @curtains Level 0
    January 22, 2017 at 7:47 pm

    Japandroids – Near To The Wild Heart Of Life. One of the best rock bands that currently exist. If anyone thinks that rock is dying (which it’s not) this band is a perfect example to show them they don’t know what they are talking about.

    Thank you!


  • @smartboy76 Level 1
    January 22, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    The Big Moon – Love In The 4th Dimension will be released on April 7th. 4 girls from London playing a great Lo-Fi pop. They are nice and funny (I met them when the opened for Twin Peaks in France).
    One of their recent singles : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmHbCgDBzcM
    Enjoy !


  • January 22, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    I’m super stoked for Jamiroquai’s ‘Automaton’, which they’ve been teasing this week. Their last release came out of the blue (‘Rock Dust Light Star’) and was fantastic – a perfect follow up to ‘Dynamite’, with a whole bunch of catchy and energetic tunes. I went to see the tour for that album and it was a stellar event (pun unashamedly intended). The stadium was packed, but even right at the front there was plenty of room to dance and to breathe. I’ve never seen a more chill and more respectful crowd. The band was also on point – much more a collective of jazz musicians than a pop group – and the sound mixing was just right.

    This album’s existence was a similar surprise to me – with that sneaky, 22 second clip appearing on Facebook unannounced – but if they can strike that balance just right again between the pop stylings and the funk origins, you know it’s going to be another winner.

    Although I’m still confused as to why the most exciting thing to happen to me this year is to see a skinny white guy wearing a new glowing hat


  • January 22, 2017 at 8:58 pm

    Mura Masa – To Fall Out of Love To

    While he’s not as obscure as some people, Mura Masa is someone to watch out for. I grew attracted to him because of the way he approaches EDM. Not just with a trappy vibe, but the way he composes music. And I think that term if very appropriate here. EDM has been characterized by kids at festivals jumping around to erratic, loud, and aggressively cavalier music. Mura Masa makes music that’s beautiful. It has the sound that he slowly picks his way through each layer and creates something that falls out of bounds for a lot of genres and breaks the conventional classification of EDM.



  • January 23, 2017 at 1:02 am

    HOMESHAKE! He is a genius! Super relaxed happy vibes music which is easy to listen to but also unique as hell, pretty much has an entire genre to himself. He has mentioned taking things in a more funky direction and thats pretty fucking awesome. The name of the album pretty much says it all i suppose, will definitely be a breath of fresh air for me.


  • @lordmilutin Level 1
    January 23, 2017 at 5:00 am

    The album I think deserves the hype this year, is definitely a soundtrack album for Fifty Shades Darker.
    Not only does it have great names in music industry associated with it, but its predecessor was extremely popular as well, and we have listened to those songs in almost every bar/coffee shop.
    Luckily, we won’t have to wait for much longer.


  • @whiplashcc Level 2
    January 23, 2017 at 7:07 pm

    The Maine – Lovely, Little, Lonely
    The band has been around for nearly 10 years and each album they put out shows their progression and maturation of a band. With this new album, they have all but one of their original members and it will be interesting to see how the band continues to evolve their sound.


  • @turnburn97 Level 4
    January 23, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    Timber Timbre – Sincerely, Future Pollution
    Canadian Gothic folk outfit is releasing a political protest album in a more synth-y upfront style rather than their more cryptic soothing nature.
    Thanks for doing this Mojib


  • @yourfriend Level 3
    January 24, 2017 at 10:07 am

    The Newcomer: The Newcomer EP

    Teased by the band Patten who released the wonder Psi last year. I currently haven’t looked into who the band is, but the two singles they’ve released have been a weird combination of tribal sounding ambient, mixed with a heavily futuristic style of club dance music. The band, (along with Patten) seem to be doing something different for electronic music, making it sound alien, darker, but bring the dance back into a genre filled with dubstep and trap bangers.


    Release date Jan 20th


  • @herbdean Level 1
    January 24, 2017 at 12:15 pm

    There are a lot of albums to be excited about this year. A google search gave me this: https://www.google.com/search?q=most+anticipated+albums+of+2017&rlz=1C1CHKZ_enUS433US433&oq=most&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i61j69i57j69i60j0l2.1591j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    I saw several that I believe would get the populous vote.

    Personally, I am excited to hear Brand New’s first album in 8 years!


  • @alexdragan Level 4
    January 24, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    Arms and Sleepers – Life is Everywhere


    This artist has been creating great independed music for more than 10 years, mixing genres and touring constantly. They deserve more recognition.


  • January 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm

    Coldplay – Kaleidoscope EP

    What human being has never heard a Coldplay song? Each release is a new success, and this is the biggest reason to get attention to Colplay at 2017. After some rumors that “A Head Full of Dreams” would be the last album of Coldplay’s career, here comes an officially announced surprise on Twetter, an exclusive EP called Kaleidoscope scheduled for release in 2017.



  • @jubamuzik Level 0
    January 24, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    LCD Soundsystem…

    ‘Cause it’s fucking LCD Soundsystem, people!!! They are coming back!! C’mon!! BRILLIANT!!


  • @jeffl Level 1
    January 24, 2017 at 5:53 pm

    A fantastic album coming out Big Wreck – Grace Street…why so great?One of the most underrated rock bands that have been around for a while with one of the greatest lead man and guitarist(in the world in my opinion0..So looking forward to this album coming out and if you ever have a chance to see this band live well you will not be disappointed..

    Digging In Audio – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDmQqK8vDy0
    And for the guitar fans – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwLh7hKTLLc

    Enjoy this band they are fantastic..not just for their artistry but also because they are great humans(met them and they are so down to earth)

    Jeff L


  • @funkatastic Level 0
    January 25, 2017 at 4:23 am

    Migos – CULTURE






  • January 25, 2017 at 9:29 am

    Far and above, the album I’m most excited about this year is The Tear Garden’s as-yet-unnamed 9th studio album. These guys are pure legends.

    Cevin Key is best known for his work with Skinny Puppy, who have influenced pretty much EVERYONE in the electro-Industrial scene since they started shocking the masses with their horror movie influenced live shows and radically political lyrics back in the early 80’s, championing causes like animal rights (their very name is meant to conjure the image of what life is like through the eyes of an abused animal), threat of nuclear power, and war crimes. SP’s sound is at times militant, angry, aggressive; others, hopeful and eerily beautiful. Many have attempted to copy their style but few if any have come close to succeeding. Cevin’s branched out far beyond into the realms of techno, IDM, dub and ambient under various names. Everyone who’s anyone in Industrial music wants to work with him, and many have already.

    Edward Ka-Spel has a bit more mystique surrounding him. He’s a poet and a troubadour, a true storyteller with 40+ years of live shows and well over a hundred full-length albums under his belt between his solo material and that of his band The Legendary Pink Dots, among other projects. His lyrics are often a bit vague, allowing the listener to follow his lead down whichever path suits them. Other times, characters reappear from previous story lines like familiar old friends. The common bond between them is his intense but at times hushed and mysterious aura and always a heavy dose of psychedelia.

    They first came together in the mid-80s when Cevin was hired to run the sound board on tour with Edward. At the time Cevin was based in Vancouver, BC and Edward in Amsterdam. Albums were written on the road and in sessions between tours, and recorded together in the studio with various members of each’s primary bands filling in on instrumental duties, shifting over time. Eight albums were gradually produced without a single live show ever taking place. Their last release, Have A Nice Trip, came in 2009.

    Together, they combine all the best of the artsy psychedelic fantasies of the Dots and the dark, twisted landscapes of Skinny Puppy. Edward’s voice is never lost, but it’s at its most restrained in Tear Garden releases. Cevin puts just a perfectly deranged twist on it, and takes us just far enough along on the trip to not get lost quite forever before bringing things back to the main path. Things are always quite bizarre but never meander aimlessly.

    Suffice to say, the musical landscape would be very, very different in edgier and more avant-garde musical circles today without these two leaving their fingerprint, with their influence spreading much farther than you’d think at a glance.

    Fast forward to 2017. A new album has been written and recorded and is currently being lovingly massaged by the duo and their closest collaborators. More time and resources have been available, not to mention gear and technology, than on previous releases. A pledge drive has raised enough to cover the costs and we’re less than half a year away from release. And most exciting, for the first time there’s real hope of a tour, or at the very least a sprinkling of shows in their respective hometowns (with Cevin now based in the music mecca of Los Angeles). They’ve both circled the globe countless times and now have a foreseeable break from regular touring duties, and fan interest is at a peak, nearly a thousand whom have already pledged well over the goal amount, with funds exceeding the costs of production earmarked for touring. The Tear Garden has never been so vital. And we are ready and waiting.



  • @rose-plays Level 4
    January 25, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    The Presets! After Pacifica in 2012 they are back in the studio recording. I’ve read they made music together with a church choir from Shepparton, Australia. The cool thing is you won’t immediately like their music. At least, I didn’t. But after a while their music gets stuck in your head. And it stays there. I’ve been known to batter my mates ruthlessly with it.

    Another one to look out for is Aaron Taylor, although I don’t know whether he is going to come up with a full length album this year. Check it out though. It reminds me of D’Angelo: https://soundcloud.com/iaarontaylor/sets/better-days


  • @kirolindo Level 1
    January 25, 2017 at 1:57 pm

    Blackfield V from Blackfield. Ofcourse!
    I am speechless, ’cause everything that comes out with Steven Wilson’s touch is just brilliant . Porcupine Tree, No Man, Blackfield or Steven Wilson himself – it doesn’t matter, the music is majestic. Just give a listen to Family Man, which KScope records revealed recently online on Youtube. Man, it’s not just music, but there is also soul and a slightly nostalgic-warm feeling in it.

    Here is the HasItLeaked Entry , where you can find detailed info on the album, teasers and the Family Man video:


  • @cybersaint Level 1
    January 25, 2017 at 9:42 pm

    (already seen the new Japandroids album in the comments, but I have my own reasoning).
    I’ve been listening to Japandroids since Post-Nothing (2009), always a big fan of their sound and their substance.
    Along those 8-years, I’ve passed through many phases and changed through and through with different artists and music, but Japandroids just sticks.
    Their sound is very well done for their tone and expression, not to mention they only have 2 members rocking the fuck out.
    Along with their sound is their substance, no matter what song they play their lyrics are the perfect synthesis of rock and elements of pop; their lyrics
    make me feel like I can do anything. Their songs change through the use of poetry in their lyrics, or some simple lyrics (Heart Sweats).
    I believe their material *will* get noticed, because their new singles seem to go in a more objectively fine direction, but changing their style somewhat. I see it as time changes, and so does their substance because new knowledge yields more material and more emotions, like the single “No Known Drink Or Drug” sounds a lot more emotional than anything they’ve previously done.


  • January 26, 2017 at 6:35 am

    I think Fin by Syd should be noticed this year. The internet have dropped some really dope shit and I’m really excited for her solo release.


  • January 27, 2017 at 1:28 am

    Corelia’s 2017 Album I believe is one to keep an eye out on.

    Back in 2011, the Djentleman of metal lead by Periphery and Meshuggah were riding a high of low tuned bliss to superstardom. The sound, while nothing less than revolting to the “purists” was a relatively new (though Meshuggah and others were doing it for a while) one that made metal palatable for many people. Somewhere in the middle of it all a band named Corelia released an little EP that caught surprising fire. Fans of the genre almost universally loved it and the seeds were planted for a breakout LP from the boys. Two years pass, then three, then four and now at six years later all fans have is very well funded indiegogo campaign (which mockingly states Corelia 2015!! as soon as you open it). The band has become a meme for unfulfilled expectations and every scant post from the group elicits the textual equivalent of eye rolling from the masses. I believe the band is still, somewhere, working on this album and will release it this year and hopefully they do as their EP deserved all the praise it got. The djent movement has largely lost it’s tremendous popularity but I believe this group has the songwriting prowess to put out one more refreshing gasp of djenty goodness before they disappear forever.


  • @ghostconch Level 4
    January 28, 2017 at 5:50 am

    St. Vincent’s as of yet untitled release.

    With her debut, Marry Me, Annie Clark painted a pastel picture rife with an inky-black rage, though perhaps suburban frustration. Actor saw a release in tension, but a tight focus on the blaring ennui that is life, a fairy tale with bloody consequences. Strange Mercy, I would argue her most personal record to date wound through glimmering tales of shadowy triumph and rebellion. S/T, her latest paints a picture of Ms. Clark we were not previously privy to, that of her as a Future Queen mining a realm of diamond-encrusted microchips and leaving few standing in her wake.

    The tremors of a new album coming out, rumored collaboration with the likes of Kendrick Lamar, among others, along with the release of her directorial debut on the upcoming all female horror anthology film ‘XX’, Annie has been busy. A snippet of a new song, which I will call, for lack of title “New York is New York”, gives us a taste of what she may have in store, a sweet, yet chilling tune with lyrics that are as likely to embrace you as break your neck. There is promise for bigger and brighter darkness to come from the established guitar virtuoso. It is unclear which direction she will take this new album in. Having always made the guitar scream, weep or laugh at her whim, she has let the synthetic seep in, adding yet another layer to her very varied discography. We may see a further merging of the two in new and exciting ways, and perhaps a sprinkling of horns found both on ‘Actor’ and her joint project ‘Love This Giant’ with David Byrne of the Talking Heads. Whatever it is Clark has cooking up for us, it is sure to please the ear, put a lurch in your stomach and tug at your heart strings in one fell swoop.


  • @eddiefu Level 1
    January 28, 2017 at 9:54 am

    Acceptance – Colliding By Design


    Despite not getting introduced to Acceptance’s debut album, Phantoms, until long after its release, it holds a special place in my heart. I still associate it with a short-lived crush, and listening to it brings me back to that time in my life. Personal feelings aside, it’s also one of the seminal albums in the 2000s pop punk era.

    For those reasons, I was excited to hear about their reunion — though I wasn’t able to make their performance at Skate and Surf 2015 — and even more hyped when Acceptance announced Colliding By Design. Both “Diagram of a Simple Man” and “Haunted” have shown they’re still capable of crafting the catchy, well-written pop songs which made Phantoms a classic. Jason Vena sounds better than ever, along with the rest of the band. I can hardly wait for the album to drop on February 24th.


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