![Streetlight Manifesto : The Hands That Thieve News Added Sep 12, 2012 On February 15, it was announced by Victory Records that the album would be released on April 30, 2013. An acoustic version of the album is being released by Toh Kay on the same date with the name The Hand That Thieves. They are playing some of their new songs […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/SM.jpg)
On February 15, it was announced by Victory Records that the album would be released on April 30, 2013. An acoustic version of the album is being released by Toh Kay on the same date with the name The Hand That Thieves. They are playing some of their new songs live. Their first official single is below.
Album Tracklist:
1. The Whole Trouble
2. Three of Us
3. Never the Twain Shall Meet
4. Last Sight
5. Never Be Afraid
6. Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
7. Watching the Trash Cans
8. The More the Words
9. Who Hides the Night Oh Me
10. The Splendid Blonde Beast
11. The Hands that Thieve
12. The Sliding Glass Door
Where did you find this?
Samples of new two new tracks.
That track list is fake. It’s part of an elaborate hoax by some people on some message board claiming to have the album and torturing people who want it.
Well at least 3 of those songs are real titles that they are currently playing on their tour (‘Three of Us’, ‘Never Be Afraid’ and ‘Who Hides the Night (Oh Me)’).
I know who you’re talking about. Those people are the fucking worst. They’re the 4chan of ska.
Why is the album pushed back to Jan 2013, but Toh Kay’s crappy cover version isn’t pushed back? Smells shady, I don’t think I admire Thomas anymore.
it says that both albums are getting pushed back
You’re dumb
Why would you call Tomas acoustic covers crappy, when first of all, HE wrote all the music, and HE has every right to do what he wants with it. I personally love the acoustic work he does, because so few bands do anything acoustic anymore.
[Comment edited, we don’t accept that kind of language]
Tyler, You’re kind of a bigot. Also scratch kind of from that last sentence. You’re a horrible person.
Now racist slurs aside. Tomas has the right to make an acoustic cover album of his own music… In the same way people don’t have to enjoy that style of music.
Just be tolerant.
Also, There is so much acoustic music out there… I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Man, You’re such an awful person.
You would know about bigots. since you’re not one.
im sooo bummed that it was pushed back…. i have it pre ordered
Very depressed at the album being pushed back…
found a few torrents that are claiming they have it leaked. but im skeptical about downloading it. not looking for mad viruses
Think on the bright side, guys! Tomas found something that could get even BETTER on the album, that means even BETTER music for us! (Nah, waiting sucks, bad Kalnoky. :\)
The album has been leaked. It is either incredibly different/crap or the leak is a joke by Tomas himself. Got it from 4chan.org. It was hosted on mediafire…
This is not the leak, it’s a small band trying to piggyback on the hype.
They released 2 minute long clips on their website yesterday. http://streetlightmanifesto.com/
A release date of April 30th has just been given at their official website!
APRIL 30th!!!!!!! So psyched!
I found another sample (it’s very short, but awesome!)
Can’t wait for another album, leggo.
can someone edit the release date on this?
The track listing & new samples are now available on Amazon.
Huge update to this. Added a video, pre-order, tracklist and official release date.
Not Streetlight but Toh Kay’s first full song and music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy-bEXUA6u0&feature=youtu.be
I hope the album(s) leak soon, not just because I want to hear them (which I certainly do). But I absolutely loathe victory records and everything they stand for… I want them to lose every possibility of a sale, one in which they don’t rightfully deserve in the first place. Their childish behavior is beyond over played and beyond annoyed at this point. Long live streetlight manifesto!
it’s up on what.cd
Mind putting it somewhere the general public can reach it, then?
It has leaked, but I don’t have 20 points needed to report the leak. :(
It’s leaked! I made an account just to report it, but the site won’t let me!
Is really leaked or is it a joke? I can’t find it ANYWHERE
Found! :p Thanks anyway /: