![Animal Collective : Painting With News Added Nov 30, 2015 Animal Collective's follow-up to 2012's Centipede Hz, Painting With features 3 different album covers and was first premiered in a Baltimore airport. After a couple of bathroom recordings of the songs vertical and the burglars leaked anco fans were sufficiently hyped. Painting With seems to be an advancement of the […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/pandapwcover-320x320.jpg)
Animal Collective's follow-up to 2012's Centipede Hz, Painting With features 3 different album covers and was first premiered in a Baltimore airport. After a couple of bathroom recordings of the songs vertical and the burglars leaked anco fans were sufficiently hyped. Painting With seems to be an advancement of the pop-persuasion of animal collective's previous record Merriweather Post Pavillon. The lead single Floirdada was released November 30th, its super dope. Pre-orders come with a bonus 7".
A bad vinyl rip is out, 128kbps. some people have re-upped it with the tracks split already. quality is terrible but the album is great
i think a ‘de-noise’d rip is around too, all from same bad vinyl rip atm though
getleaks currently has one up at “192kbps”.. will report on that one.
the 4chan leaks thus far have been someone placing their microphone next to their record player.
It’s certainly not 192. It’s the same 128 vinyl laptop mic rip. Someone on 4chan uploaded a better one, I believe he just remastered the leak.
There is also a 320. They are ALL transcodes of the 128kbit source ass of yyet
Also “I screwed up on Bagels and On Delay in my “remastered” thing.”
Have you listened much? I love the vocal cadences, Boys Latin was my favorite track on Grim Reaper and I’m happy to see an expansion of this.
i dont see the album on 4chan
it’s a few pages deep, but it’s still there
stop listening to the bad quality leak :D
someone delete this; turns out its not even them and it’s the same rip with better quality vversions of already leaked/released tracks
The ‘bandcamp’ release is from somebody impersonating them making a profit off the 128kbps laptop mic leak made by some idiot playing on his crosley
After a few playthroughs I think this might just be the most consistently great album I’ve heard… ever. There’s some songs from them I prefer to any tracks on this, and Fall be Kind has parts which are better imo… but just generally as an album I’m in awe right now.
good copy has appeared on soulseek 320kbps . bit of a cue on the guys downloads though, I’m like 55 I downloaded hocu pocus first to see if it was the right one, … it was… then I qued up the whole album and im 55 in the cue !!!!! hocus pocus though is fucking awesome
All the soulseek copies are either fake or EQ’d versions of the vinyl rips. Check the run times of tracks.
Correct @blackmagicanimal
somebody has just run a filter and EQ’d, and i think fixed the pitch in some areas, drawing a blank on the software but somebody posted in a thread on 4chan a screenshot of some audio spectrum analyzer, clearly not from a 320 or higher source
An apparent 320kbps rip is out. Not sure if actually 320 or transcode, but it’s not from the original vinyl leak source that’s for sure.
Where at?
This one’s on 4chan. it’s not a vinyl rip. also it’s incredible. Only 320 mp3 as far as i know. flac on the way
would be surprised if it’s not just a better vinyl rip… there’s some hiss/noise on some tracks (mainly noticable on golden gal) that are available directly from Domino in 24bit WAV which don’t have that same hiss/noise
Floridada, Lying in the Grass – and following release on youtube – Golden Gal are all now available in 24bit WAV directly from Domino (as of typing I assume the 24bit WAV is still being uploaded or their servers are being hammered)
Golden Girl
Pitchfork got drunk and gave it a 6.2 without even really analyzing the album.
a redditor summed it up beautifully;
I miss the old AnCo, straight from Peacebone AnCo
Chop up the Grass AnCo, Adobe Slabs AnCo
I hate the new AnCo, the new groove AnCo
Explained Joke AnCo, spazz in the vocals AnCo
I miss the sweet AnCo, the Banshee Beat AnCo
I gotta say at that time I got to see AnCo
See I discovered AnCo, there wasn’t any Sung Tongs,
And now I look and look and around and Sung Tongs has been recorded and people know it exists
I used to love AnCo, I used to love AnCo
I even had the Panda mask, I thought I was AnCo
I’m confused. HAs a proper version leaked or not?
Yep yep yep it’s out there, proper digital leak
This album wasn’t necessarily a disappointment. There are a few tracks that I like. But it still just can’t even come close to the other animal collective releases that I love so much