![Miniature Tigers : I Dream’t I Was A Cowboy News Added Oct 04, 2016 Indie Pop heavy hitters Miniature Tigers are set to release their 5th album 'I Dreamt I Was A Cowboy' on 10/28. Charlie Brand (Frontman) said, “he wanted to make something like Weezer’s Blue Album—not exactly the album, but the feeling of listening to that album at age whatever. Something with […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/MinTigers-IDIWAC-320x320.jpg)
Indie Pop heavy hitters Miniature Tigers are set to release their 5th album 'I Dreamt I Was A Cowboy' on 10/28. Charlie Brand (Frontman) said, “he wanted to make something like Weezer’s Blue Album—not exactly the album, but the feeling of listening to that album at age whatever. Something with that feeling that could connect with people.”