News Added Feb 10, 2017 Letting Up Despite Great Faults were born in Los Angeles but have since drifted to Austin, accumulating fresh ideas along the journey. Perfectly formed dream pop, the band's hazy gauze filters all manner of colours into a wonderfully speckled songwriting palette. Unafraid to capture darker emotions, Letting Up Despite Great […]

Letting Up Despite Great Faults Alexander Devotion

Album download leak

SITE: getleaks net
REPORTED BY: getmetal



Letting Up Despite Great Faults were born in Los Angeles but have since drifted to Austin, accumulating fresh ideas along the journey.

Perfectly formed dream pop, the band's hazy gauze filters all manner of colours into a wonderfully speckled songwriting palette.

Unafraid to capture darker emotions, Letting Up Despite Great Faults match a literate edge to some pointed melodies.

New EP 'Alexander Devotion' is a diverse return, matching new ideas against their immediately recognisable sound.

At times beautiful, at others stark, 'Alexander Devotion' underlines the potent creativity at work in Letting Up Despite Great Faults.

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Track list:


1. Starlet
2. Pageantry
3. Mass
4. Armonica
5. Caroline
6. Shatter
7. Devotion
8. Perfume
9. Whiplash

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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