Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



Fourth album by Austrian Prog/Stoner rockers MOTHER's CAKE

“It is of course a strong homage to Pink Floyd, Live in Pompeii, of course we didn't have the idea first. The Bergisel Stadium in Innsbruck is very impressive, we knew that too and thought: purely in terms of the scenery, it makes a lot. Years before we recorded a live thing called “Off the beaten track”, which we really like and are very proud of. But repeating that was out of the question. And that's why we decided: let's make the trappings more impressive and hopefully we'll follow suit with the music. "

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Track list:


01. Tapedeck (00:19)
02. Toxic Brother (02:37)
03. Crystals in the Sky (04:04)
04. I'm Your President (02:30)
05. Love Your Smell (03:24)
06. The Operator (05:25)
07. Cybernova (04:26)
08. Hit on Your Girl (06:01)
09. Lonely Rider (06:08)
10. Gloria (03:01)
11. The Beetle (03:20)
12. Desire (03:53)

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Toxic Brother

Submitted By

Crystals in the Sky

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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