Jennimandy and Benjamin McLean are now friends 4 years, 1 month ago
Benjamin McLean replied to the topic 2020 in the forum General Music discussion 4 years, 10 months ago
Transatlantic is in the studio right now.
Benjamin McLean commented on the post, 2017: Your favourite moment in music? 6 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: mojib wrote a new post, 2017: Your favourite moment in music? When Drake sampled Sonic the Hedgehog? Lorde releasing Melodrama? Kanye West’s 17 minute onstage rant? Name your favourite moment in music this year. […] ViewThere is no serious question that “Similitude of a Dream” by the Neal Morse Band was the best album of the year by far. Nothing else even comes close. But “Psychotic Symphony” by Sons of Apollo came the closest, probably because it also has Mike Portnoy on the drums.
Benjamin McLean replied to the topic Adding an album. in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 9 years, 11 months ago
The one I wanted to add has come and gone at this point.
Benjamin McLean replied to the topic Adding an album. in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years ago
How about instead, you let anyone submit albums, and then maybe make submissions from members without the points visible only to members with the points until at least one such member has approved them?
Benjamin McLean replied to the topic Adding an album. in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years ago
The form should tell people IN ADVANCE OF FILLING OUT ALL OF THAT STUPID, STUPID, WASTE OF TIME CRAP that they don’t have enough of your retarded “points” to actually post anything!! >:(
Benjamin McLean became a registered member 10 years, 5 months ago