News Added Feb 09, 2013 UK hardcore act Bastions have announced that they will be releasing a new EP it two parts. ‘Bedfellows Part 1: The Bastard Son’ is due out on February 18th 2013 through Holy Roar Records. Submitted By Polar Track list: Added Feb 09, 2013 1. Pallor 2. With Love 3. A […]

Bastions Bedfellows Part 1: The Bastard Son EP

Album download leak

SITE: Music Blog



UK hardcore act Bastions have announced that they will be releasing a new EP it two parts. ‘Bedfellows Part 1: The Bastard Son’ is due out on February 18th 2013 through Holy Roar Records.

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Track list:


1. Pallor
2. With Love
3. A Life Less Lived
4. Amongst Crows

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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