Album download leak

SITE: I Can Leaking
REPORTED BY: I Can Leaking



Mourn just announced their second album "Ha, Ha, He" published June the 3rd via Captured Tracks. The Spanish band accused Sones, their previous label, of kidnapping their second album and having blocked the profit made with their previous album through Captured Tracks on the USA and the one made through merchandising. This is the reason the four young components of Mourn had to pay for this second record themselves.

Little did we know after Sones published their version of the story. A story really different than the one the band told. What we know is that the second album is no longer kidnapped and it will see the light on june the 3rd.

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Track list:


1. Flee 1:37
2. Evil Dead 2:13
3. Brother Brother 1:48
4. Howard 1:56
5. The Unexpected (New Mix) 2:36
6. Storyteller 2:30
7. Gertrudis, Get Through This! (New Mix) 2:38
8. President B******t 1:36
9. I Am a Chicken 2:13
10. Second Sage 2:05
11. Irrational Friend 1:26
12. Fry Me 3:26

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An official album stream has been reported at
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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: Yes, see stream link above.
  • Album pre-order:

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