Album download leak

SITE: getleaks net
REPORTED BY: getmetal



New Zealand's Yumi Zouma released their debut album, "Yoncalla", to the world last year (2016). Now, just a little over 12 months later, and they’re prepping its follow-up. Titled "Willowbank", it’s slated to hit shelves on October 6th through Cascine Records.

For the making of "Willowbank", Yumi Zouma's members — Charlie Ryder, Josh Burgess, Christie Simpson and Sam Perry — settled on a plan to reunite for the New Zealand summer. To complete what would become their first significant work written and recorded entirely in their home country, they rented a studio in Christchurch’s semi-demolished CBD, on one of the few remaining blocks that still characterizes the city from before it was destroyed by a series of earthquakes. “It was as though there was a brief pause in all of our lives and we finally felt like a band from New Zealand,” said Burgess. “We were on home turf and creating from a place that felt fundamentally natural.”

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Track list:


01. Depths (Pt. I)
02. Persephone
03. December
04. Half Hour
05. Us, Together
06. Gabriel
07. Carnation
08. In Blue
09. Other People
10. A Memory
11. Ostra
12. Depths (Pt. II)

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Depths (Pt. I)

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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